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Главная » 2006 » Май » 30 » Font Fitting Room Deluxe 2.6.2 New!!!
Font Fitting Room Deluxe 2.6.2 New!!!

Данный мощный шрифтовой менеджер поддерживает работу с такими форматами, как True Type (*.ttf, *.ttc), Open Type (*.ttf, *.ttc,*.otf), PostScript Type 1 (*.pfm,*.pfb) и экранными (*.fnt, *.fon). Основные возможности: просмотр как установленных, так и не установленных шрифтов с любых носителей, настройкой образца текста, его цветом, размером etc.; просмотр Character Map; просмотр метрик и прочей подробной информации; сортировка по целому ряду параметров, настройка сетов и т.д.; корректная установка и удаление шрифтов из системы; распечатка образцов; поддержка drag-and-drop.

Font Fitting Room is a preview and management tool for both installed and yet to be installed fonts, with full character map and multilingual name property support. It handles the most popular fonts used on PCs today, and it helps you to add and remove from your system. These font types include True Type font (TTF, TTC), Open Type font (TTF, TTC, OTF), PostScript Type 1 font (PFM, PFB), and Microsoft Windows font (FNT, FON). Character map displays all the supported characters of a font, with a magnified window appeared for any selected character. You needn't install the font to see this feature. In this way you can get a full impression of the font before actually install it into system. Property shows name table strings for Open Type font, categorized by locale. You can find how font typeface names are presented in different locales. The program is Unicode-based which allows you to type sample sentence simultaneously containing any locale characters. For example, you can preview Chinese and Korean characters in the same sample string.

Features for both Standard and Deluxe edition:

* Layout: The layout is easy to understand, configurable and fast.
Browsing in a familiar Windows Explorer-like interface make it more intuitive.
Displays for font Properties, Character Map and Kerning Pairs can be freely swiched on/off, depending on your needs.
* Preview: You can preview the custom sample text with a font list without actually installing them, with various preview features: size, bold, italic, Underline, foreground and background color, etc.
* Install and Uninstall: You can easily installed a font/fonts from anywhere accessible to system, or uninstall a system font/fonts, with multiple options.
* Print: To print out the preview font list.
* Find: To find text fastly in the preview font list. FFR will not only seach for font name, but also manufacture, copyRight, and all other text fields avaiable in the column candidates.
* Property: 'Properties' tab provides detailed information of the selected font.
Each font type has a set of attributes. In addition to general properties like font name, postscript name, copyright, etc., PANOSE and Metric Data also listed in details.
* Unicode Range Character Map: Character Map displays all the supported characters of the selected font, no matter whether it be installed or not. Tool tip is available for each character which gives the unicode and description of the char.
Clicking on a character grid to see the magnified char.
* Kerning Pairs: This tab displays all kerning pairs defined in the font, using font preview size to draw each pair of glyphs.
* ClearType Tuning: If you are using a LCD monitor, probably you need this ClearType adjusting facility.
* Unicode based.
* Works on Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003.

Features Specific to Deluxe edition:

* Font Sets Management:The font set management functions helps you mark a group of fonts from different places to be treated as a collection set that could be activated or deactivated simultaneously. You can also select a font set for preview without activating it at all.
* Child-Parent hierarchy set structure provides a highly intuitive way to visually group fonts and supports inheritance.
This feature enable you to create children sets under a parent set, sharing fonts in parent set, and managing fonts in a hierarchical way.
However you are not required to build such nested sets if the plain flat sets structure is more suitable for you.
* Drag-and-drop is supported. You can drag-and-drop a set to move it around, or drag a folder from Explorer and drop in "Font Sets" tab/bar to create a new set.
* Shortcuts Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, Ctrl+X and DEL are supported. You can copy font file/folder from Explorer or "Browse" tab/bar, then paste in "Font Sets" tab/bar to add font records or create a new set. Or, you can copy file records from set, and paste them to Explorer or "Browse" tab/bar to make a backup of those fonts in a new location. Cut/Paste is supported within the sets to help you move font records freely between sets.
* New/Open/Save operations are available for set management database file(s), so you are able to work in different place with the same font sets.
* Each font set has a "default font path", that is set to the folder of fonts which are added in when the set is empty. The set path can be altered as font files moved around to another place in the disk, so as to avoid adding them again once the files location changes.

-=Download Full 1.86 MB=-

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